A photo gallery of the last 10 days in the life of the Colts Team Photographer.

2013 Cheerleader Audition Showcase at the Hilbert Circle Theatre - The final 26 girls perform their closing routine.

2013 Cheerleader Audition Showcase at the Hilbert Circle Theatre

2013 Cheerleader Audition Showcase at the Hilbert Circle Theatre

Coach Chuck Pagano and General Manager Ryan Grigson talk with a local combine participant.

Andrew Luck during the conditioning portion of the Colts off-season workouts.

Colts General Manager Ryan Grigson's pre-draft press conference.

2013 Chuckstrong Tailgate Gala guest participates in a combine skills drill.

2013 Chuckstrong Tailgate Gala guest poses with Andrew Luck.

Colts off-season workout in the weight room.

Colts off-season workout in the weight room.