

Tuesday's Top 10 - Raiders (Behind the Scenes)
Today's Top 10 photo gallery gives you a behind the scenes look into the Colts locker room following the win over the Raiders.
Shooting candids in the locker room after a win is always an exciting time! My main goal is to stay out of the way while trying to capture the emotions of the team after a big win. After the players congratulate each other on the win, the team gathers around a horseshoe in the middle of the locker room for a quick meeting recap. At this point they all gather around in a tight circle...this is where it can get really crazy for me. I usually try to position myself in the middle of the circle directly in from of Coach Pagano. This gives me a good shot of Coach as he addresses the team on the win. At times the circle gets a mind of it's own and crazy things can happen. I just try to stay low (hard because I'm 6''7") and out of the way for my safety and theirs.
This photo gallery will give you a great behind the scenes look at what I saw after our win over the Raiders.