Today's Top 10 photo gallery is all about our latest player creative marketing shoot. This was a very exciting shoot for me because it allowed us to get really creative with our posing and lighting. Having access to the players is always a tough battle due to their busy schedules. We shot a couple of dozen players over the course of a week....giving us about 15-20 minutes with each player. Another cool aspect of this shoot was that the players were in full game day uniform. We even strapped up the helmets and put on the gloves for some of the images.
I worked with four different lighting setups that were all based around one background. This gave me a great amount of creative freedom with the ability to change a lighting setup with just the flip of a switch. The players could stay in the same pose and we could get four totally different looks in just a few seconds!
Another fun element of the shoot was that the players could watch their images on a big computer screen as they were be photographed. This really helped convince them that what we were shooting was going to make them look amazing. That helped them open up and show their true personalities.....Robert Mathis growling!