
Today's Top 10 photo gallery is all about the player's LIGHTER SIDE!

During practice, especially in the middle of the offseason, the player's personality really comes out. Like I've said before, my goal during practice is to capture the players in the heat of battle competing for a spot on the 53 man roster. Most of the time I accomplish this goal with flying colors, than there are those other moments when a player will look directly into my lens and smile right in the middle of a drill. This really throws me off, especially when I thought I was being sneaky and well hidden in the shadows of the sidelines.
I've tried hiding behind tackling dummies, goal posts, blocking sleds, ball boys…you get the idea. When I find myself face to face with a massive defensive lineman (via a 400mm lens) my natural reaction is to keep shooting and that's what I do, I let it rip! (that's photo talk for shooting a bunch of images in a row without stopping) Some of my best and most entertaining images have come from these very impromptu photo shoots. I love the this interaction with the players and how their true personalities come out on the practice field.