
Hey Colts fans, it's Matt Bowen your Colts Team Photographer. I will be posting my "Tuesday's Top 10" photo gallery linked to this blog on colts.com! The photo galleries will always have a theme, ranging from game action to creative images around the Colts Complex!
While the NFL Draft is fresh on everyone's mind, I thought it would be fitting to show you how I experienced the draft from inside the Colts complex! Draft weekend is a very exciting time for an NFL franchise, resulting in an "all hands on deck" approach to covering the draft from an in-house media standpoint. During the draft process all of the important decisions are always made behind closed doors. This draft day photo gallery will give you look behind those closed doors. I started my weekend shooting General Manager Ryan Grigson and Head Coach Chuck Pagano being interviewed about the draft in the Colts Pavilion. Most of my weekend was spent lurking in the shadows (not as creepy as it sounds) trying to capture the true candid moments that really convey the excitement and emotion of this big event. Moments before our first round pick was chosen, I was allowed entrance into the nerve center aka the "WAR ROOM" where all of the action was taking place. This allowed me to photograph Grigson on the phone with Bjoern Werner, our first round pick, minutes before it was officially announced live at Radio City Music Hall. Following that exciting phone call, the decision makers watched with the rest of the world as our pick was announced. The next morning, Werner was flown into Indianapolis for his first official tour of the Colts Complex! I tagged along on the tour to try to capture what Werner was experiencing during his visit. My hope is that this photo gallery will give you a peek behind those closed doors and a little insight into my NFL Draft day experience as the Colts Team Photographer.
If you have a great theme idea for a "Tuesday's Top 10" photo gallery, please let me know!