

Today's gallery is all about Pat McAfee and his antics as the host of the 2014 Cheerleader Audition Showcase. He started off the show by arriving fashionably late on a segway accopanied by a flag waving Blue and smoke to set the scene. Throughout the evening McAfee would bust out into a dance without notice...the crowd loved it! After a few wardrobe changes, McAfee came sliding on stage with sunglasses and without pants to pay homage to a famous movie scene. As the swimwear portion of the event was about to begin, he came out in full swim attire complete with a mask and flippers. At this point in the show he pulled Dwayne Allen (one of the judges for the event) on stage to challenge him in a card game of war...with the loser getting doused with water. After a few rounds of war they were both soaking wet along with the entire stage. When the show was over we knew that we had captured some very cool images thanks to the McAfee and Allen show. Indy is very lucky to have Pat McAfee back for another five years of football and antics!