Year two is a whole different feel for Caroline.
"I would say more relaxed," she says. "Being a veteran, you know the ropes, you know what to expect."
And you know what your role is – to help the girls whose boots you were in last season.
"We have an amazing rookie class. We couldn't ask for a better one," she says. "You know how they feel and what they're going through. You kind of find people you can ask silly questions to and aren't afraid to be like, 'What's going on?'"

Because life moves pretty fast – especially on game day.
"With the excitement of the game and the crowd, you definitely have to be on your toes at all times, that's for sure."
Amongst it all, she takes a minute every game to stop and take it all in.
"You take that moment and you're looking around and I get goose bumps and I'm like, 'Oh my gosh, I still can't believe I get to do this.' And then I look over and I'm like, 'Uh-oh, I've got to snap back into it.'"
Off the field, she's just as busy – working on her master's degree.
"I will be a board certified behavior analyst and I will be working with children with autism, giving them ABA therapy," she says. "It's definitely a difficult field. It takes a special drive. You have to be prepared for the difficult days. It's definitely a challenging job – but at the same time, so rewarding to be able to help shape and change these children's lives."
It's a field she was drawn to for one reason – to help people. And she already feels like she's doing that.
Caroline's 2018 Colts Cheerleaders Swimsuit Calendar Shoot in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

"I just started my practicum this last semester, so it was my first actual hands-on with students and it has been eye opening. It's awesome to get in there and apply what I've learned in school and see how you really do affect these kids. I've seen growth in my students just from the beginning of the school year. I'm thinking if I do this for how long, how many lives I can help."
And how many families she can help – because like football, special education is a team game.
"It doesn't stop with what you do with your time with them. You're involved with the families and they go home and work with the child and everyone involved – it definitely takes an army in this field."
After living in Indianapolis her rookie season, Caroline moved back home to Seymour this year.
"I love it. My boyfriend is here and I've always been close with my family. My sister is my best friend. Just being able to see my family often is really nice."

Still, after going to college in Louisville and living in Indy, Caroline wouldn't change a thing.
"I lived on my own, I grew so much as a person and as an individual," she says. "It was so fun and I got to hang out with my sisters and do cheer stuff and really be involved. I loved the city, but there's something about being home."
Now, going back and forth for practice and games, she feels like she gets the best of both worlds.
From a small town to the big city and back – for Caroline, there's no place like home.