
INDIANAPOLIS – The second Sunday of May means the celebration and appreciation for a group of women that should be acknowledged every day.
Mother's Day holds a special place in the hearts of Colts players for a variety of reasons.
Earlier this week, some Colts players caught up with Colts.com to share their thoughts on the role their mom played in them reaching the NFL:
Anthony Castonzo on his mother, Shari, who has never missed a game of Anthony's:
"My first start in college, I was a freshman and we didn't think that I would be starting and I ended up getting the starting job. My parents cancelled a trip to Italy to come to my first ever college start (against Wake Forest). That was when it kind of hit me, 'Wow, this is a pretty big deal. They cancelled their freaking trip to Italy.' (Later on in college), It was my brother's film school graduation in L.A. and they took a red eye to Florida to catch me play the next day against Florida State. That was another crazy one.
"It's great to have that support because if you win, you've got people to celebrate with. My mom is always there. God forbid if it's a loss, she's usually there to kick me in the (butt) and tell me to get over it (smiles). It's really great to have support at them.
Vontae Davis on his grandmother, Adaline:
"You watched "Hard Knocks", right? I said I wanted to call my grandma (after he got traded to Indianapolis). Yeah, that's how important she is.
"She was just always there for me. She raised me. She taught me morals, always kept me in the church. That still pays dividends to this day, doing the right thing, living right, treating people with respect, just the little morals in life that take people a long way. The values she taught me at a young age were pivotal because I always revert back to them."
Coby Fleener on his mother, Michelle:
"She set a great example, as far as the work ethic required to be successful and how to raise a family."
Zach Kerr on his mother, Noni:
"Growing up, my mom, other then my sisters and other women in my family, my mom was pretty much everything, all I had. I like to say that I had two moms growing up---my older sister and my mother. My older sister is actually a mom, too. When I think about Mother's Day, I think about both of them. They helped me out a lot. Granted, I got into some trouble as a kid, just like any kid did, my mom and my older sister, they always stayed on me and made sure I did the right things. At the end of the day, that's all I knew, my mom and my older sister.
"Getting to this level, they helped me out tremendously with that because I wanted to be better for them so I could give back. I always wanted to be successful. It wasn't always with football. I didn't even know I was going to play football, but I knew I wanted to get better out of my life just so I could give them better for all the hard work they've put in for taking care of me growing up."
Andrew Luck on his mother, Kathy:
"She's played a huge role. Obviously, I love her. I probably talk to her every other day, every day. She helps me put a good perspective on things, if I'm struggling. For that, I'll always be appreciative and looking forward to spending time with (my mom and dad)."
Pat McAfee on his mother, Sally:
"I'm very lucky that I have a father and a mother who have been very supportive of me ever since I was child.
"My mom was always kind of the stronghold of our family. My dad was a truck driver earlier in my life so my mom was the one around until I was 9 or 10 years old. She's the lady who always held the house down, put a lot of discipline in me, the one who keeps me grounded, still does to this day. She's the lady I admire and respect more than any other women on earth. I love her so much."
Donte Moncrief on his mother, Nineta:
"My mom always had a big influence on me. In like 7th or 8th grade, my dad was diagnosed with a bone disease so she was the only one working. She's always been able to push me and motivate me no matter what, just go strong.
"I've got to find her something special, something that she really wants. I'm going to surprise her by going home (for Mother's Day) and give her something. Just anything to keep her happy I'll do, because she's been through so much for us and the kids."
Jonathan Newsome on his mother, Kimberley:
"My mom means everything to me, from my best friend, to my father, to the best mother. It's always just been me, her and my little sister. She sacrificed for us. She did everything she possibly could to raise me and my sister to be who we are today. My sister is probably one of the most solid females I know just as far as her mind set on things and always getting good grades.
"I just thank my mother for me getting to the point that I'm at, keeping me in line, always keeping me involved with stuff, make sure that I stayed out of the streets. My mother is my No. 1. I tell her that all the time. I don't even call her mom. When I call her I say, 'What's up No. 1?'"
**Greg Toler on his mother, Joyce:
"My mom means the world to me. I'm pretty sure everyone's mom is one of their reasons for doing the things that they do.
"My mom just made her way. She was a single mom, raising my brother and I, from Washington D.C. I just always wanted to make her proud. I graduated from college. I graduated from high school. I'm happily chasing my dreams right now. She's my rock and I appreciate everything she does."
Erik Walden on his mother, Shirley:
"She's the backbone of the family. She's the one that held things together when they weren't looking so good. I've got to give her credit for everything.
"She's the reason I'm here now, the position I'm in now. Without her, there isn't telling what I would be doing. My dad passed away early and he was in and out. She had no excuses. She was going to get it done and that's why I'm in the position now."