With the celebration of Valentine's Day this week came the National Football League's newest, well-timed PSA, "Love Has No Labels."
It's the culmination of a project by both the NFL and the Ad Council to show that real love touches all "real families, couples and friends across different races, religions, genders, sexualities, abilities and ages."
It's certainly a touching message, but they forgot to add "mascots" somewhere in there.
No worries, though, because Blue — the Indianapolis Colts' lovable mascot — has got it covered.
In the awesome video piece below, be sure not to blink around the 1:36 mark, where Blue puckers up and sneaks in a big 'ol smacker on the Denver Broncos' mascot, Miles:
If these two rival AFC horses can put aside their differences to show a little love, I think it's fair to say we all are capable of doing the same.
Unless it's Pat Patriot. Never Pat Patriot.
OK, Pat Patriot, too.
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