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Cheerleader of the Week: Nicole

Read about the Cheerleader of the Week, Nicole T.


Sunday January 23, 2011

Hey Colts fans, welcome to my week! It felt so good to sleep in today! Even though things with Cheerleading have settled down I am a full time student at IU in Bloomington and that wears me out! I just love Sundays though. This is my first season on the squad and for the past 5 or so months, I have been so lucky and honored to spend my Sundays either at Lucas Oil Stadium cheering on the best team in the NFL or at home still cheering on the best team in the NFL...Go Colts! I think I enjoy away games just as much as I do home games (minus the fact I am not there on the field cheering). I used to watch the away games in my best/cutest Colts attire with my family and friends. My mom used to cook us tons of good food and my favorite was always this cheese dip that had corn in it. It might sound really weird but it's amazing! I now spend my Sundays relaxing and preparing for the week ahead. Today I went tanning, watched tons of lifetime movies, did some Physics homework, and finished up the night by watching the season premiere of Kourtney and Kim take New York. I just love Kim Kardashian and the show was a good end to a relaxing day!

Monday January 24, 2011

Morning everyone! My alarm went off at 6:30 this morning…yikes! For some reason I always want to be really lazy on Mondays and it was really hard to get out of bed today. I'm lucky though because my Mondays are never too busy. Today I only had one class. However, it was a 9 am Physics lecture so it was still a little rough to be there. Not to mention walking in this weather never really helps. On a brighter note, I didn't have much to do after that so I headed home and got some things done around the house before work. After I ate lunch and watched some T.V., it was then time for me to head to work. I work in an area called the Zone at the YMCA in Bloomington. The Zone is a place where parents can drop their kids off while they go and workout. Inside the Zone are two Wii game systems, just about any Wii game made, and tons of other games for the kids to play while they are in there. Today was pretty busy and I had about 16 kids in there at one time! After the Zone cleared out a little bit, I played Just Dance( a dancing game for the Wii) and tons of board games with some of the little girls who come in all of the time. The girls always challenge me in Just Dance and they always want to play until they beat me. When my shift was over, I was exhausted! I ate dinner and then just relaxed for the rest of the night.

Tuesday January 25, 2011

Hi Colts fans! This morning my dog Tebow woke me up by constantly putting his paw on my face until I opened my eyes. It was cute but I was a little bitter because he woke me up before I needed to get up and he didn't even need to go outside, he just wanted his stomach rubbed. I love him though! Tebow was a Christmas gift two years ago from my boyfriend Tim. He was named after Tim Tebow (before he was a Denver Bronco of course) and rescued from an animal shelter about 45 minutes from Bloomington. Today I had class from 9 to 2:15 so I was pretty busy! After class, I grabbed some lunch, did some things around the house, got ready for practice, and then I was off to Indy! We have practice this week and next because 10 girls get to go to London for the week of the Super Bowl for a tour and 6 girls get to go to Fort Knox, Kentucky the day of the Super Bowl for a performance for the troops. I have been chosen to go to Fort Knox, and I'm very excited. It's going to be a great experience and so much fun! At practice we reviewed all of the dances we are going to perform and we received all of the costumes we need for the show. It was great to be back at practice and to see some of the girls again. After practice I headed back to Bloomington. I was exhausted to say the least! When I finally got home I cuddled up and fell fast asleep.

Wednesday January 26, 2011

Happy Wednesday! Today I had class from 9 to 2:15 again. Classes weren't bad but I was still tired from Tuesday night so I was ready to get home! We were supposed to have practice again tonight but it got called off since last night's practice went so well. Since practice was cancelled, I went home after class and took a much needed nap. Once I was well rested, I got up and practiced the dances for the Fort Knox show. After I felt pretty comfortable with them, I headed to the gym to workout. I made myself do a pretty intense workout because before you know it, it will be tryout time! If you or anyone you know are interested in trying out for the 2011 team, you can click on the Cheerleaders tab on and then click auditions for more information! : )

Thursday January 27, 2011

Just one more day until the weekend!! On Thursdays, I go to class for most of the day. I have Psychology, How To Teach Sexual Education, and Structural Kinesiology. Thursday's are usually pretty long for me but I always tell myself "tomorrow's Friday" and that makes it a little better. After class, I grabbed some lunch, walked Tebow, and rested until it was time to leave for practice. Tonight's practice was a dress rehearsal. After we practiced the dances, we ran the show all the way through about three times and it went pretty well but I was pretty exhausted when we were done. On my drive back to Bloomington, I listened to the IU game since I couldn't be there. It sounded like such a good game and IU ended up winning 52 to 49! After such a long day, I went straight to bed when I got home. Good Night!

Friday January 28, 2011

It's Friday!! Today I just had one Physics class in the morning and it actually wasn't too bad. After class, I came home, showered, and got ready for the day. On Fridays I go into work an hour early and workout before my shift. A little after my shift, I went with my boyfriend to see the movie 127 hours. It just came out today and I have been dying to see it. It was really good but pretty short. After the movie, we went to a Chinese buffet. I had wanted Chinese all week for some reason and it was good to finally get it and I ate a little more than I probably should have ha J. By the time the movie was over and we were done eating it was pretty late so we called it a night. I cuddled with Tebow and fell fast asleep!

Saturday January 29, 2011

Hi everyone! Today I woke up a little bit earlier than I normally would on a Saturday morning. I got up to go out to breakfast with my family and to test drive a new car they are looking at. We went to Wee Willys and I had an order of biscuits and gravy..yum! After all of that, I came home and worked out for a little bit and then went shopping. Later that night, I headed up to Indy to celebrate a couple of the other cheerleaders' birthdays. It was good to see

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