
](http://www.colts.com/cheerleaders/Megan O./352fb15d-b136-47b4-9dda-26e606dabf5b)
Colts Journal- Megan O.
Monday Dec 5th
Hey Colts fans! I'm Megan O. (one of three Megan's on the squad) I'm a fulltime- student getting my museum studies certificate and I volunteer here in town at the wonderful Indianapolis Museum of Art. Monday is a slow day in the Colts world. After my last lecture before my finals start next week, I came home and reviewed dances. I love to dance n my dining room. It has wooden floors that are perfect for turning and I'm sure my roommates get a kick out of me counting "5,6,7,8!" all evening but, as co-captain I have got to be on my A-game for my girls. J
Tuesday 6th
After a day of volunteering and class at IUPUI, I rush to practice early to stretch and review with the girls. Michelle came to teach us the Christmas half-time show! She choreographed the Veterans Day half-time show also. We received a ton of great complements from fans about that performance so I can't wait for everyone to see the Christmas show! Lets just say Michelle might have a case of Bieber Fever…who wouldn't? His new Christmas album is amazing! We also learned some more Christmas themed dances that I can't wait for you to see!!
Wednesday 7th
Yay! The weekend is almost here! Last night got me in such the Christmas spirit that I had to go Christmas gift shopping after a day at the IMA. I got all four brothers done, my Mom and my Secret Santa gift for a fellow cheerleader! Any Christmas gift ideas for Dad? I'm stumped.
Thursday 8th
Practice day! After taking care of business…IMA, grocery store and post office, I'm headed to practice! Sean, our trainer, came tonight and had us do the dreaded 'Beep Test", which is basically run and the speed gets faster and faster until we can't run anymore. I got to level 8.1 and I am very proud of that score! We also learned two more Christmas routines for the December 22nd game, which means we are done learning routines for the rest of the regular season. I can't believe the season has gone by so quickly. It's been so fun and rewarding to spend so much time will these beautiful and talented ladies. We got an early Christmas gift tonight… we got out of practice about 15 minutes early! We were very productive tonight, GOOD JOB LADIES!
Friday 9th
What a rewarding morning, I got the honor of doing the Snowball Express appearance at the Indianapolis Airport with Tessa, and Theresa was our escort. American Airlines flies children of Soldiers who died in battle to Dallas, Texas for an all expense paid vacation for the children and their other parent or grandparent. They were greeted by Martin Plowman, the Indy car driver, and Tessa and I when they arrived. Then at the gate, Santa was waiting for them along with video games, a mini racetrack, face painting and tons of snacks. We got to see the presentation of the flag and it was so touching and heart-warming. We also got to go onto the plane and greet the other kids that were also headed to Dallas. They were so excited and the plane was decorated with lights and snowflakes, even the crew of the aircraft had Santa hats and elf ears on…so cute! This appearance really got me into the Holiday spirit and made me so proud that we live in a place where we are able to help each other out who deserve it.
Saturday 10th
I finally got to sleep in! I also had an amazing workout at Sean's studio called Core Pilates. We did a competitive cardio and strength training series then worked out on the reformer… I have a feeling I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I had an appearance at the Indiana Bleed Blue Blood Drive at Lucas Oil. We had a huge turn out for such a great cause. Megan M., Sophie, Lindsey and I signed so many autographs and took so many pictures with the people who donated and their families. It was so much fun!
Sunday 11th
Tonight is our Squad four Christmas party!!! I'm so excited to give my Secret Santa gift to Lindsay! I can tell you all now because she will be opening it in just a few short hours. J Today I will be studying and doing homework, I have a presentation and a final tomorrow. What a great week! I'm looking forward to the game next week and the big Thursday night Christmas Finale! Happy Holidays everyone!