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Cheerleader of the Week: Lauren M.

Cheerleader of the Week: Allie C. - Diary

Dec 19

Hey Colts fans!  My name is Lauren and this is my second year on the squad.  I'm very honored to be sharing my week with you.  I was so proud of the Colts and their FIRST WIN of the season last night!  YAY! I also want to congratulate my captain, Kim, for being selected as the Pro Bowl Cheerleader!  I'm so excited for her, and I know she will represent the Colts well in Hawaii.

This morning I was so tired - game days always wear me out.   I went into work and worked on some files.  I work at a mortgage company on the southside - I open up new files and prepare federal disclosures for our borrowers… so if you're purchasing a home or looking to refinance, get ahold of me! :]  After a few hours of work I left to go to an appearance at Riley Hospital for Children with Bree, Sara, Autumn, Blue, and a few of the Colts players.  As Buddy the Elf would say – "the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear"… so we went caroling around the hospital and handed out Colts posters to the children.  I enjoy this appearance every year.  I love being able to see the smiles on the children's faces.  They are so sweet!  When it was time to leave the hospital, I went back to work to finish the files from earlier.  After work, I went to Bonefish Grill with a friend – had to get the bang bang shrimp!  It is my FAVORITE!  I could eat it every day!  Then I went to LA Fitness and met up with Kim, LeAndra, and Nicole to practice for the Christmas game on Thursday.  Long, but fun day! 

Dec 20

This morning I went to LA fitness to do some cardio before work.  I love working out in the mornings, even though I hate the sound of my alarm when it goes off that early!  Usually the gym isn't as packed and it definitely gets me energized for the day.  Then it was off to work.  Tonight is our work Christmas party so I was looking forward to that all day.  At the party, my coworkers and I received gifts from our boss.  She's the BEST!  I was in charge of getting our boss a gift from all of us so I was anxious to see if she liked what we got her.  Thankfully, she loved the peppermint themed gift!  I left the party early to rush off to Colts practice.  I'm SO excited for the Christmas game Thursday!  After practice some of the cheerleaders and I went to a Mexican restaurant near the complex.  Out of the 6 girls, 5 of us were rookies together so it was fun to look back on all the fun times we've had together this year.  It's crazy how the time has flown by!

 Dec 21


Work, work, and more work!  Today was a busy day in the mortgage business, but I'm thankful I can say that I love my job and all the people.  During the day, Bree, Larissa, and I will gchat online sometimes.  (hopefully my boss isn't reading this!)  It's always fun to talk to them throughout the day because we talk about the silliest things!  :]  After work I went to the mall to  get my Squad 2 Secret Santa gift.  My Secret Santa is… (Keep reading to find out!)  The mall was PACKED, but I was still able to find something cute for (… oh thought I was going to tell you! Hehe)!  After shopping, I went to work out, get a spray tan, and pack my game day bag.  It doesn't feel like there's a game tomorrow since it's on a Thursday! 

Dec 22

I had a dream last night that I forgot my Christmas skirt for the game so I MADE SURE it was packed in my bag.  (It was!)  I'm so excited for the game and I can't believe it's the last one!  This season went by way too fast.  I went into work until about 1pm then headed down to Lucas Oil Stadium.  At this game, we have a halftime show with the Jr. Cheerleaders so we practiced with them.  They are so cute and are always fun to cheer with.  After practice, I got my hair and makeup done and headed to the Colts VIP Tailgate tent for an appearance and met some awesome Colts fans.   Then it was time for our prayer and to get ready for GAME TIME!  All of the songs we danced to were Christmas themed and of course, we wore our blue Christmas outfits.  I hope you were able to see our halftime show… did you see Santa dancing onstage!?!  What an awesome game that was!  Another COLTS WIN!  I'm so honored to be part of such a wonderful organization!     

Dec 23

It was a slow day at work.  A few of the loan officers were on vacation so I didn't have too much to do.  After work I went home to get ready for a Christmas party I have with my friends.  It's our 11th annual Christmas party that we've put on since we were freshmen in high school.  We dress like moms and dads in Christmas attire and it usually includes some ugly '80's Christmas sweaters, glasses, and cameras.  I left that party early to go downtown to the Marriott to my Squad Twoooo Christmas Party.  There was SOOOO MUCH FOOD!  We played games and talked pretty much the whole night.  We also gave our Secret Santa's their gifts.  Mine was Larissa!  I absolutely love my squad.  We've become so close this year.

Dec 24

This morning I woke up at the hotel and went to LA Fitness for a while.  After that I went home and got ready for Christmas on my dad's side of the family.  It's nice to have my whole family home for the holidays!  My older sister lives in Chicago and my little brother goes to Purdue so I don't see them as often.  We went to my aunt and uncles' house to celebrate Christmas.  This side of my family is Polish and Irish.  It is tradition to eat perogies.  There are three with money inside.  If you get one of those, you have good luck all year long.  Unfortunately, I didn't get one with money this year!  Another family tradition is to go to midnight mass on Christmas Eve, so we went to St. Francis and Clare Church.  Then it was off to bed while "visions of sugar-plums danced in my head!"

Dec 25

MERRY CHRISTMAS COLTS FANS!! I hope you were all good this year!  My sister, brother, and I opened our presents - It's definitely weird growing up, I get excited about work clothes instead of toys!  After cleaning up our mess of wrapping paper, my family got ready to go to my mamaw and papaw's house.  This is my mom's side of the family.  I have so many little cousins on this side – I'm second oldest out of 15 cousins!  We all ate, laughed, opened presents, and took LOTS of pictures.  It is tradition to go see a movie on Christmas night and this year we saw "We Bought a Zoo."  It was really good!  I recommend it.   I couldn't believe Christmas came and went so fast.  It was so good to see my family and spend time with them.  <3 I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to see what my week is like.  It's been fun!  GO COLTS! 

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