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Cheerleader of the Week: Cassie R.

Cheerleader of the Week: Cassie R. Diary

Sunday, July 18th


Hello Colts fans!  I am very excited to be cheerleader of the week and am excited to share my week with you!  This morning started bright and early at 6:00AM! I am a law clerk at family law firm. We handle divorce, collaborative divorce, adoptions, custody issues, estate planning, education law and more. I am about to enter into my 3rd year of law school and I am getting very excited to graduate! Today, I got to go to court with one of the attorneys and one of our clients. It was an hour away, so I had to leave at 7:00AM.  The trial was expected to last this entire week, but in a swift change of plans, it ended abruptly and we got the verdict we were hoping for! That's the thing about life, you have to expect the unexpected! It was a good experience and I still get to be involved in the hearing for sentencing, which will be really neat to observe! When I got home, I took my dog Bentley for a much needed walk. I then changed into workout clothes and went straight to a TRX class at Core Pilates. I met my boyfriend Neil there. We like going to workout classes together to keep each other motivated! Erin, another cheerleader, teaches the class. She does a mix of arms, legs, and core. It was a tough workout, but I felt great afterwards. Neil and I then went out to eat, making sure we picked healthy choices! After that, we went grocery shopping for the week. When I got back to my house, it felt good to just sit down! I am a sucker for reality T.V., and so I watched the bachelorette before I fell asleep.  


Once again I woke up ready for the day!  I got to work at 8:30AM. It was a busy day, but I always enjoy it. I got to sit in on an initial consultation. This helps me learn what types of questions to ask and how to conduct an initial meeting with a client. After that I continued to work on drafting pleadings, filing, and other tasks for the firm. After work, I came home to a disaster! My dog had gotten into the trash, and trash was everywhere in the house. He also ate everything in it, which made him sick. I rushed to clean it up before I went to cheerleading practice. At practice we stretched and then did some abs. Then we spent the rest of practice reviewing dances we have learned throughout this summer. Man, we have learned a lot! I am so excited for my first game, and it is getting so close! I can't wait to be out on the field performing and cheering for the BEST team in the NFL! WAHOO! When I got home I ate a banana and a protein shake, and then chopped up some vegetables for tomorrow's pot roast I planned on making in the slow cooker. I then headed to bed for some beauty sleep! 


My alarm didn't go off today, but luckily I woke up just in time to make the pot roast and made it to work by 8:30AM! The sun was out and I had some coffee, which made it easier to wake up. Work went well, I truly love working in this field. I get to help and support clients through some of the toughest times in their lives. It feels rewarding to help others. At lunch I went to work out at core pilates with Sean. I did the reformer and TRX. Saen really gets our heart rates up and pushes us to do our best. However, after that workout I already feel sore! And I had to go back to work after the workout! It seemed to give me energy though, so the rest of the work day flew by! I got home from work around 6PM. I then ate the pot roast I had started this morning and it was YUMMMY! I then proceeded to stay up way too late practicing dances, doing research for work, and watching a movie! 


Started today off bright and early with a consultation for a due process case in education law. I even got to draft the due process letter! I spent the rest of the day doing research and drafting other legal documents. I went straight from work to practice. Whew! It was so hot outside! We started practice off by working out with Sean from Core Pilates. The workout was extremely tough. We had to do sprints for a total of 3000 yards with a 1 to 1 work/rest ratio!  There were three parts to one round. Each part must be completed in 45 seconds. The first part was to run to the 50 yard line and back and back again for a total of 150 yards.  The second was to run to the 25 yard line and back 3 times in a row. The third part is to run suicides to the 5 yard line and back, then the 10 yard line and back and so on until the 25 yard line. We did each round 6.2 times!!! Everyone on the team pulled together and cheered for each other. It was crazy, but we all felt really good after. It was an awesome workout!!! We then learned a new dance. At that point we were all a little slap happy, so it was really fun! After that we got to leave a little early. I was really tired after such a long day and went straight to bed.  


This morning I woke up pretty tired. However, I woke right up when I remembered I got to sit in on a deposition today! Sometimes I am kind of a dork and get excited about those types of things! But I was bummed when the individual we were supposed to depose didn't show. We are supposed to have court next week, but we might not be able to now, without having deposed the opposing party! The rest of the day I drafted discovery and other legal documents. I had to leave work early, around 2:45 to go to an appearance at the Rehab Hospital of Indiana, where we got to sing karaoke!  It amazing to talk with and meet the people at the hospital. They were all so strong and so positive. I had such a good time. When I got home I relaxed and went to eat with my boyfriend in Broad Ripple. It was beautiful outside, so it was nice to walk around Broad Ripple for a while. I then went home and fell asleep early.


Today I woke up so excited for what the day had in store for me! My boyfriend took a few of his friends, another girl on the cheerleading team, her boyfriend, and I out on his boat. Everybody waked boarded and surfed the wake. We were out until 8pm! It was so much fun, but I was exhausted after! We went to eat at LaPiedad. It was so good! I love Mexican food! We then all hung out together for a while before I went home and went to bed. It was a really fun day, but it wore me out!


I slept in today! It was awesome!!!! When I woke up, I went grocery shopping and then met up with another girl on the team to practice. We went to LA fitness so we could use the mirror room. We spent about 2 hours going over a few dances, which was really helpful since I am a rookie, and we also managed to get in a few laughs!! After that I went to lunch with my mom and sister and went and saw the new Harry Potter movie. It was very good! I am a little sad the series is over, but I really liked the ending. I then went to my parents' house and spent some time with my family. We played catch phrase and had a blast. It was a wonderful day, and I ended up falling asleep at 8:45pm!!!

It was so fun sharing my week with you!!! Go COLTS! 


Casandra R.

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