Indianapolis Colts Fan Club Network | Indianapolis Colts -
The Perks

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Fan Club?
Indianapolis Colts Fan Clubs aim at joining Colts fans together so no one has to cheer and celebrate the Colts alone. There are clubs from Indianapolis to California and Germany that anyone can join. Fan Clubs meet at a designated location to watch games and may also set up events for fellowship.
Are Fan Clubs directly affiliated with the Indianapolis Colts?
Fan Clubs are not officially affiliated with the Indianapolis Colts organization and they operate independently from the team. However, club members are expected to represent the Horseshoe in a manner that parallels team philosophies. Any violation of these guidelines could result in immediate removal from the registered booster clubs database.
Are there costs to joining a fan club?
Getting connected with a fan club is free! However, each club may decide to add in membership fees for events and activities.
Have additional questions?
Please reach out to for any additional questions.